What's New
Well, every once in a while I like to give out a little update as to how things are going. When I receive and update or when someone sends me a link to their prayer web site, I like to pass that on. This is a ministry of prayer and I'm going to create a list of other prayer web sites on this page. I will also post updates and other such developments. I don't know how often this page will be updated, but please drop by when you think about it and see if there is anything interesting on here. Or if you have a prayer request, I know how difficult it is to find good prayer web sites, so you can come here and go down our list. I have looked at every single one of these web sites and will only post good ones. If you have a recommendation for a prayer web site to be added, please go to my "Contact Page" and e-mail it to me. Thank you
Ryan - Webmaster

Updates and Developments
We don't have any yet in the form of stories. We hope that you will provide us with success stories and developments so that we can share them and encourage others. But we won't post them if you ask us not to.
Prayer Web Sites www.howtoheal.org
The Prayer Network
The Dream Center - For Intercessory Prayer
The Prayer Network (different)
LLT Prayer Network
The Intercessory Prayer Network
The International Prayer Network
United In Prayer
World-Wide Prayer Network
World Prayer Network
WWW Prayer Network