God Help Me!
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God Help Me

Welcome! I built this site in a time when I needed a lot of help. The prayer web sites I went to were impersonal and usually I felt as though I was asking a machine to pray for me. With this web site I wanted people to come HERE when they didn't have anywhere else to go. I wanted to have a place where they could feel comfortable (where I could feel comfortable) and ask for strength from God and for guidance.

As I said before, usually when I go to a normal prayer web site, I find that I have to type my prayer request in a little provided box. Then I feel like I've just given the Post office a "dear Santa" letter. I don't want you to feel that way. I have a link to my e-mail group (a group of prayer warriors dedicated to serving you) and I'll give out the address in case the link won't work. Please e-mail us. We will pray hard for God to help out in whatever situation you or a loved one may be in. (THIS SERVICE IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE)

Be A Prayer Warrior

One person bringing a request to God can work wonders, but a whole group of people bringing a request to God can work miracles. I have an e-mail group set up that you can join. You will get prayer requests on a somewhat regular basis if you choose to join. Please join and help pray for others. If you would like to join, please e-mail me at the e-mail address below:

Chat Rooms And Prayer Message Boards

The Prayer Haven ministry (as said before) is to make a haven for people to come to when they need prayer. Well, part of our services is to provide a place where you can interact with other Christians and receive encouragement. I frequently visit a Christian chat room that has never failed to give me encouragement when I was feeling down. I want you to be able to share in that as well. So, if you'd like to chat with other Christians, then click here and then click "General Chat," agree to follow the rules, pick out a name for yourself and color and start chatting.

Ryan - webmaster

Weekly Uplift! Devotional

Christian Issues

There is a really great web site that is an excellent help for Christians. It talks about Christian issues, pin-points problems that some Christians face and deals with them, it also has a good deal of Bible study tools online. Just click here. Or if you'd like a website that gives proof for the existence of God, then you can click here or here.

Christian Advice

I know that many times, we have problems and don't always know what to do about them. They may be spiritual problems or problems with a relationship or problems with family. I have been told by a great many people that I give sound, Godly advice and I approach every problem with God by my side, giving me the words to speak. I am not a professional counselor (however, I am studying to become one), but I also do not charge for my advice. So, if you have a problem, please feel free to e-mail me: poffog@hotmail.com

If you would like to e-mail me your prayer request go to the my "Contact Page". Here is a link to it.

Contact Page


Request Pages
I have a page where I give out links to more web pages to post prayer requests. These pages are hand-picked by me. I know how hard it can be to find good prayer request pages. So, you can go to my sister site which is where the links are. Just simply scroll down the page until you find the links.


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